I mean, if you're out, then come in! Cuz' this is what's up, total hipster here! RESPECT

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hey guyssss! 
What's up with ya? 
Well, it's been long, but, you know, I'M ALWAYS THERE. So, today I wanted to do something a little bit different, just for you to know me better and to realize that i'm not that stupid as everyone says, actually I am smart and on top of the class, well, no ton top, but i'm not on the bottom! 

So, I'm just gonna put some questions, and you can answer as the same time so you compare how different or similar we are (It's obvious that I'm gonna be better than you, like, jesus, come on, you already know that, ha.).

1)Do You Consider Yourself A Happy Person?
Like, 1 2 3, of course! I am so happy! Like, how couldn't I be? I mean, of course I have bad things on my life, like, you know, Justin's still looking for his one less lonely girl and he doesn't realize that I am here! OVER HERE JUSTIN, STOP  PEEING ON BUCKETS AND PEE ON ME!

2)Favorite Movie Star?
Uh, damn. That's quite hard... There are so many inspiring movie stars that I look up to, but I think I'm gonna go with Gandhi, because, he's so strong, he keeps working, and he is so brave, did you know that he freed an entire country? Ma daddy told me. Yeah, if it wasn't for him Alaska would still be down the possession of Hitler.

3)Are You In A Relationship? 
Yes, I'm married to six guys. Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Liam and JUSTIN... But they don't know. 
It still counts.

4)Do You Any Bad Habits?    
Does stalking, raping, violate private spaces, steal and try to kidnap a celebrity with chloroform count?
I don't think so...
So no. (: 

5)Are You A Jealous Person?
Mm... No. i don't care if someone dates the guy I want and then they leave him alone or they just broke his heart. No. I'm kind of a cute person.

6)Ever Come Close To Death?  
Yeah! this is kind of  funny story. Like LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. So like, I was kind of stalking Taylor Swift, cuz' you know babe, she's a WHORE, and behind me there was a bush with bugs on it, you know, butterflies and ladybugs, well, the thing is that Taylor Muthafugga turned back and almost saw me! So I backed off and fell over the bush! The butterflies almost killed me! I know... 

7)Have You Ever Had A Crush On Someone Famous?

8)Does Size Matter?

9)Do You Believe In God?
Yes, not Jesus, but is the same thing, J and J. Justin and Jesus. You see? They have the same starting letter! Destiny did it. Justin's mom is Mary! O M G. He's so hot.

10)Do You Have A Recurring Dream? What Happens In It?
Actually, I do... I dream that there's a zombie apocalypse and all of the zombies are Justin Bieber, so I let him eat my brain and I collect all of the zombies to make a pile of Justins.. Oh, how I wish that dream could come true. Just imagine... Ah, hot and kinky.

Well, now that I let you know how I am, I'm gonna answer some knowledge questions. You should prepare yourselves, cuz' I'm smarter than Frankenstein (I almost said Einstein, LOLOLOLOL., how ironic...).

Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as
A.Labour Party
B.Nazi Party
D.Democratic Party

Oh, well, that's easy. Hitler was the one that had Alaska on his power. So... A) is not even an option, cuz', labour? That's what pregnant women do. B) Of course not! The Nazi thing is a band, so like, OMG, SO FUNNY. C) I don't know, this one sounds like it... And of course D is not an option, cuz' he wasn't democratic, because democratic people are mean and hurt people till they bleed, just like Taylor does. 
So I think I'm going with C, Ku-Klux-Klan.

2)How many bones do sharks have in their bodies?
I think sharks don't even have bones, they're amphibious right? Yeah. None.

3)The highest mountain on earth is?
um, I don't really know that much about mountains because they are SUPER BORING, I mean, what do they do? Nothing. They just stay there. B-O-R-I-N-G. But I think the highest one is that one on China? The Great Mountain? The Great Wall! That one! IS HUGE! 

4)How many wives did Henry VIII have?
Is he cute? Cuz' then I'll be his wife... 
I don't really know, but I know that Indian people have a looooot of wifes, like, horrible, so... Maybe 10?

5)Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke are former winners of which competition?
Cupcake wars? 

6)What is the name of the hero in The Lion King?
THOR? Please tell that's Thor! He's soooooo cuteeee! LiKE ohMYgod. I've never seen The Lion King, it sounds really weird actually.

7)Wolverine is the leader of which band of superheroes?
Wolverine... let's analyze this together. So Wolverine sounds like a terrorist... AL QAEDA ! BUM.

8)Which tree has a variety called “Weeping”?
The crying trees?

9)Which breakfast cereal is advertised with the slogan “Snap, crackle and pop”?
The HardDick cereal? :D

10)Which Italian city is famous for its canals?
Uh Uh! I know this one! I loooove Italy! Is so pretty! Venice is know for his canals, but that's not on Italy... Wait a sec! OH MY GOD! They set me up! This question is wrong. Jesus Christ, there are just so many stupid people in this world. 

Weeell guys, I'm gonna leave you with the picture of the day, if you liked this just share it with your friends and comment down below, THANX.

Oh, Taylor, you look waaaay cuter now:




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